Completed projects
UNDP Teamworks
This is a social network developed by my former employer for UNDP, allowing its worldwide team to efficiently collaborate and permanently be up-to-date with its geographically-distributed developments. I worked on this project as a software engineer, designing parts of the system (such as a scripting mechanism for staging-preprod-prod deployment), or developing custom Drupal modules (extending Panels in order to allow users to customize their homepage panels).
This is a distributed monitoring service for a cluster-backed high-traffic website. It gathers data from the J2EE application such as SQL query duration, Java methods execution time and HTTP request duration, and tries to apply machine learning techniques in order to detect anomalies in the functioning of the system. The purpose is to detect failures before they manifest, by examining their symptoms.
Math problem books
I have worked with the Gil Publishing House from Zalau, Romania, back when I was in high-school, and I am a co-author of the following 5 math olympiad problem books:
- 1) Olimpiadele de Matematica 2003, clasele VII-VIII
- 2) Olimpiadele de Matematica 2003, clasele IX-X
- 3) Olimpiadele de Matematica 2003, clasele XI-XII
- 4) Olimpiadele de Matematica 2004, clasele XI-XII
- 5) Probleme Alese de Matematica pentru pregatirea Olimpiadei Nationale